The Benefits of Going on a Healing Retreat

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Do you feel like your life just moves from one frantic mess to another? Do you ever wish you could just take a deep breath and slow things down? Well, contrary to what your brain might be screaming at you every second of every day right now, it is actually possible to push pause on the craziness of life and take a breather. If you’d like to completely push the reset button on your stress and strife, it might be worth looking into a local healing retreat.…

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How To Prepare For A Kaddish When Married To A Jewish Person

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You married into a Jewish family who welcomed you with open arms in spite of the fact that you’re not Jewish. However, your spouse just lost someone special and they want you to go to a Kaddish service in their honor. This situation can be hard to understand if you aren’t Jewish but is a beneficial way of ingratiating yourself into their family and learning more about this faith. Why Kaddish Is So Important…

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Same Old Sermon: How To Avoid Boring Your Church Congregation With Repetitive Teachings

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Whether you are an ordained minister, spiritual leader, or religious speaker you know the importance of keeping your audience captivated. You also know the challenge of coming up with new and interesting topics to speak about on a consistent basis. How can you keep on top of your spiritual obligations and still create compelling sermons and speeches? Enlist the help of the internet Love it or hate it, advances in modern technology make it possible to have easy access to online information with the click of a mouse.…

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